Digital Repeater
KK4TD-MMDVM (MultiMode Digital Voice Modem)
The Multi-Mode Digital repeater is on 145.110 -0.600 offset and PL 114.8 for Analog (need Tone Squelch of 114.8 to not hear digital).
MMDVM is a system for Analog, DMR, P25, D-Star, NXDN, M17, and Yaesu System Fusion.
You need to use Color Code(CC) 1.
The following DMR "Talk Groups"(TG) are "Static"(or always connected):
Time Slot(TS) 1
31471 - TN NWS Memphis
31472 - TN NWS Skywarn MTEARS
31475 - TN TAC
31478 - TEMA
31604 - USA Area 4
31630 - STEM
31671 - Youth ARC
Time Slot(TS) 2
TG 2 is Local Cluster
TG 9 is local
3136 - New York TG (Statewide)
3147 - Tennessee TG (Statewide)
314725 - Repeater ID can be used as a Local TG
All other USA TGs are PTT or only active when you kerchunk the repeater with that TG.
Timed Static TG Connections
Sundays - Slot: 1 TG: 310 19:00 - 20:00 (TAC 310 Net)
Monday - Slot: 2 TG: 3106 23:00 - 00:30(Tuesday) (PAPA DMR Roundtable net)
Tuesday - Slot: 2 TG: 3148 18:00 - 19:30 (BrandMeister DMR Talk Group Net)
Wednesday - Slot: 1 TG: 311 19:00 - 21:00 (HamNation After Show QSO)
Wednesday - Slot:1 TG:31654 21:00 - 23:00 (Four State QRP Group)
At the present time XLX reflectors are turned off
Monitor this Repeater on Brandmeister
There is also XLX reflectors that we are connected to and by default the repeater connects to XLX950E but can be changed to XLX000 to XLX999 by Private Call to 68000 to 68999 and you connect to A to Z using a private call to 64001-64026 and disconnect using private call 64000 and Status using private call 65000(Voice confirmation).
All XLX reflectors are linked to TS1-TG6 after connection so you would talk on the XLX reflector that your connected to via TS1-TG6. The XLX reflector system is still in Beta but should be working well.
XLXHosts.txt can be viewed for current Hosts that can be connected to by converting to the appropriate private call to connect. Only those shown in the XLXHosts.txt are setup for connecting to.
If you just want to use the default XLX950 then you don't have to change the Host just the reflector A to Z.
If no RF activity for 10 minutes on the XLX reflector if it was changed from default then it will revert back to the default reflector of XLX950E.
If there is a TG that you can't seem to get working let us know and we will see what we can do for you.
Our Main connection is to Brandmeister and it's reflectors are accessed via TS1 TG6
All local traffic is on TS2-TG9 or TG2 (TG9 is default)
There is a Parrot on TG9990 or TG310997 on either TS which you can use to check your audio into the system.
If you have GPS in your radio set the GPS TG to 310999 and you would enable the GPS in the channel.
The GPS should be set to 60 seconds or more and then will send your position to the APRS whenever you talk on the channel that it is enabled on.
D-Star and Fusion should work as there meant to work and if your not familiar with them please contact us so we can connect you with someone who can help you with them.
You can listen to the repeater via Hoseline which is only traffic via RF not via network.
The 145.110- Digital Repeater is on-line and there is code plugs below.
KK4TD Repeater Code of Conduct
The KK4TD repeater is intended to be a welcoming and inclusive environment for all users. In order to ensure this, plus create an orderly and professional environment for everyone, it expected that all users will adhere to the below Code of Conduct.
This includes being:
COURTEOUS & RESPECTFUL to one another and behaving in a manner that is consistent with the ARRL Radio Amateur’s Code;
ACCOMMODATING to other users on this shared radio resource. This includes allowing time between transmissions for other users to join the conversation or for traffic on other Talkgroups. Emergency traffic must always be given priority;
PROPERLY CONFIGURED with their radio equipment using the following parameters:
Radio IDs: Each user is required to use their own unique Radio ID on the repeater. If you do not have one, they can be requested on the RadioID website;
Talkgroups: Users are expected to use only the Talkgroups supported by the repeater. Please refer to the Brandmeister Wiki;
Transmit Audio Level: Users are expected to have configured their transmit audio to a level that is acceptable and pleasing to listen to. These levels can be set using the Parrot Talkgroup (TG 9990);
Emergency Option: Users are expected to disable the Emergency option in their radios, as it’s use is disruptive to other users on the repeaters;
Private Calls: Users are expected to refrain from using Private Calls on the repeaters;
Encryption: To adhere with the requirements of their license, the use of encryption is not permitted on the repeaters;
EFFICIENT with the use of shared radio resources, including using a Talkgroup with the smallest regional coverage to facilitate their communications with another user. Also, communications on the Worldwide Talkgroup (TG 1) is intended for making contact only; once communications is established, users are expected to move to another supported Talkgroup to carry on their conversation.
Should anyone have questions about the Code of Conduct, please feel free to contact us.