
Please turn off any roger beeps in your radio because the repeaters produce a courtesy tone for end of transmission.

Thank You

W4HPL Repeater

The W4HPL Repeater is using 147.210 with a + 0.600 MHz offset and a PL Tone of 107.2 RX and TX.

Access the repeater via Echolink - look for W4HPL-R which is node # 822060

MTEARS Repeater (Link 71)

The W4EOC MTEARS repeater is on 444.600 with a + 5.00 MHz offset and a PL Tone of 107.2 and is linked to the Nolensvillle Hub on 443.725 with a + 5.00 MHz offset and a PL tone of 107.2. Link 18B is link via 71 from Cumberland County

The repeater is a GE Master II repeater with an NHRC repeater controller with remote base on board.

MTEARS has a at There you can find documents in the Files section relating to MTEARS.

Document explaining propagation in the VHF spectrum acts. Very informative document.

Phifer Site - W4HPL & W4EOC Repeaters Placemark on the Map Below

Wetzel Site - KK4TD Placemark on the Map Below