Useful Links

Useful Links

Where you can find information about our team. 

If you have never had an FCC License before you can get an FRN (FCC Registration Number) and not have to use your Social Security Number to fill out your paper work for a Amateur Radio License.

You will need an FRN if your not already an Amateur Radio Operator to take your first test at our testings.

As above you need an FRN to take your Amateur Radio Test.

You can get the current question pools from the National Conference of Volunteer Examiners.

Nice site with quite a few links to useful information.

Study Guides

Right now KB6NU has a FREE PDF of the Tech License for the current question pool.His Study Guides are good and only $7.99 for the pdf version or $14.97 for the paper back book.

Look for Element 2, 3 or 4 Study Guide in PDF format.

Study Aids and Practice Exams

A PDF of Study Cards for the Technician Exam at

Craig "Buck" K4IA wrote some Study Guides and other books.

Study guides written by Gordon West.

New Site for Free Online Amateur Radio Training

Online Amateur Radio Classes

He also has some useful information on his Home pageDavid Casler does Amateur Radio Classes via Youtube

New Amateur show for new hams or those interested

The Ham Whisperer’s Technician Class License Course Or Here

Not Free

HamClass is a real multimedia class. You can see visual presentations, audio explanations from the teacher, take tests and get feedback and, of course, ask questions! It’s the closest thing to a real course you have ever experienced on-line.

Not Free

    What is HamTestOnline™?

Not Live but videos from past classes

Local Organizations

The Amateur Radio Society of Tennessee Tech (TTARS) is a student organization focused on Amateur Radio. TTARS members maintain the club radio station, organize amateur radio related activities, participate in emergency communications, and conduct amateur radio license classes.